• by 0
  • April 22, 2020


Marangoni Meccanica, the leader in tyre assembly machinery design and production, has undergone a re-branding. It is now Marangoni Machinery. The new corporate brand identity comes at a time when the company, which was recently recapitalised and spun off from the Marangoni Group, is evolving through a strategic journey with the objective of offering to its customers an even more powerful support and commitment.

The company has been a leader in the market for long and has a unique brand identity. Marangoni says the new branding reflects the company’s market-leading position better and demonstrates the comprehensive lifecycle of machinery and services offered to its customers across the globe. The new brand Marangoni Machinery and its new logo work well across digital and physical channels. “They evoke a feeling of ideas, dynamism, collaboration, movement, positivity, speed—and velocity, which work all together for obtaining the highest quality and satisfaction for the customers,” Ricardo Mastronardi, the new CEO, says.

“Marangoni Machinery has a unique value proposition in the global tyre industry, especially in the big tyre segments like Agriculture and OTR. We are driven by a continuous Customers focus: each new feature is designed to support Customer’s growth and performance, oriented to best efficiency and quality, Mastronardi told Tyre Trends 


Foreseeing and inventing new solutions

Research is an activity of fundamental importance for Marangoni Meccanica. The company’s collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Trento - Laboratory of Maieutics, allows sharing knowledge and skills that can greatly improve the technical culture of its designers. The project ‘Marangoni Station - New Generation’ aims at creating software that can be used on a variety of IT media

Belt package transfer


The company’s main activity is the design and manufacturing of machines and technologies related to the production of new tyres, mainly machinery for tyre building of Agricultural and OTR tyres industry.

Within the flow of activities that lead to the creation of a product, research is an area of fundamental importance. The ability to match the customer's needs and, if possible, to foresee them by inventing new solutions is Marangoni Meccanica’s core strength.

The company designs around the customer’s needs, searching for new solutions to address improvements, optimisation and coming industry challenges an eventually find out new needs and anticipate what the market will require in the coming years.

Software solution

Key Accounts - Simona and Anna

Most of the companies in its customer portfolio are not equipped with integrated supervision systems, especially for the production process. Those companies simply exchange data within their databases regarding the manufacturing process aspects, for example recipe data loading necessary for machine work, neglecting the aspects related to the plant components. Those topics are usually managed in a traditional way, not integrating the new production technologies that allow improving the working conditions by increasing the productivity and the production quality of the plants.

Being a partner who can cooperate, apart from being a mere supplier, even in the areas of plant management, is a distinctive aspect that no competitor is currently able to provide. The Company can customise and enhance the essential engineering functions for its applications, such as the total integration of external software tools developed with research institutions for satisfying the most demanding customers.

For the development of this new powerful software platform, Marangoni Meccanica has started an important collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Trento - Laboratory of Maieutics, which will allow sharing knowledge and skills that can greatly improve the technical culture of its designers. The Department research group has been working for many years on the development of technologies, so it is an important reference in the industrial engineering field, having the advantage to count on the skills of all the project members within the company. The project consists of software writing for industrial automation components, characterised by a strong inter-disciplinarity among sectors such as user interfaces, industrial process engineering, communication networks and software design.

 unistage bay

Reasons underlying the research

The modern scenario of industrial plants requires an ever-increasing level of integration of functions such as data communication management, operator-machine interfaces, data processing and connections to company systems for production and maintenance management. Industry 4.0 responds to the latter needs, as this new industrial revolution aims to develop data communication networks via the Internet and similar networks. This project adheres to the basic values of this new development context, namely the development of machine data management systems (SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), data analysis and communication on data networks, as well as creating interfaces for the operator of the production plants (HMI - Human Machine Interface).

Therefore, supervision and control software play a fundamental role in the management of complex machines and systems.

HMI and SCADA are two terms closely related to the extent to which an operator is an integral part of the components of a plant management system.


detail of machining area

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is a control panel designed for interactive communication between the operator and the process / machine carrying out the tasks of entering orders, display the results connected to the process / machine status in real time. Moreover the Marangoni Machinery vision is to let HMI to become an effective gate to get access to the whole production machines even into a network and/or stand-alone mode: in such a way the Customers can have access to a variety of information (operations, maintenance, alarms etc.) to enhance the production lines to be in real-time controlled.

SCADA system is a Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition System. It is also referred to as 'telemetry,' a system having a full data communication and data control, which includes two-way communication (measurement and control) between the process system and the operator's position. In addition to this, the capacity of SCADA systems to control and monitor multiple devices, such as remote terminal units (RTUs) connected with process transmitters and final control devices, implementing basic control functions such as Start / Stop, or multiple regulation circuits including safety shutdowns, warning, notice, or PID controllers, allow the RTU devices to communicate digitally with a Master Unit (MTU) terminal in a central position where operators can monitor the process and intervene in it.

This HMI SCADA software is used in all sectors with the aim of providing a direct means of machine control, automation, security, data storage, analysis, and communications as well as allowing connectivity to a wide range of functions within the system.

In a few words the HMI software is used to monitor SCADA systems.

Customers have been increasingly demanding SCADA / HMI systems with the following features:

1. Improve control and monitoring of the process, system or plant.

2. Manage important information, such as warnings, alarms, machine shutdown, and increase productivity by decreasing shutdowns. Analysing data in real time in order to prevent unexpected stops, and resume activity more quickly.

3. Simplify the interaction between systems of different manufacturers with proper communication modes.

4. Optimise the effectiveness of user control on data and help with alarms or data groups to know the status of the system and the possible problems.

5. Enhance the quality for the correct functioning of the system.

6. Reduce operating costs through the integration and the maintenance of the process and plant.

It consists of additional software to complement our supply of machines and plants whose complexity requires systems allowing a more intuitive and quick management control, helping our customers to monitor the process in real time, especially remotely through communication networks (data, videos, etc.).

AgriFast 2nd stage 

Aim of the Project

This project aims to create an HMI / SCADA software platform offering:

 - A user-friendly application in terms of persistence, business logic, graphic interface;

- The use of technologies for the creation of architectures and software structures that guarantee the optimisation of software writing and maintenance, through proper software patterns;

- The creation of responsive software allowing their use on multiple web browsers and various platforms (PC, tablet, mobile);

- The creation of suitable documentation both for the upstream analysis of the engineering process and for the control of the final product.


The result of the project is the creation of a development environment consisting of a series of applications able to:

- manage basic recipes for each type of machine

- communicate with the PLC by managing the flow of information that starts and arrives from it.

- have a graphical interface (HMI) that can be easily used in all the application contexts (design, control, monitoring, visualizations, reporting).

- allow the use on multiple web browsers and various platforms (PC, tablet, mobile) at the highest possible application level.

Basically, Marangoni Meccanica customers ask for a support where, in addition to providing machines and systems, it can integrate product with their "company system," allowing an easy, functional use even by staff whose level of specialisation is not uniform. Hence the success of this project is to have a tool enabling the company to be for its customers more and more a partner, and not only supplier.





Perfectly in lane for era of transformations

Over the next five years, the industry is poised to enter a transformative era. Marangoni Machinery (MM), global tyre industry leader, especially in Agriculture and OTR segments,  is perfectly positioned and prepared to play a leading role in this evolving context, “thanks to our creativity, flexibility and engineering innovation capabilities, assures the company’s CEO Riccardo Mastronardi

TT Report

CEO Riccardo Mastronardi

What drives you to start afresh as a new entity? How much do you think Marangoni Machinery impact global tyre industry?

Marangoni Machinery (MM) has a great technological background and exceptional innovation and engineering capabilities. The new shareholders clearly perceived that this potential in the last years has been partially untapped and big opportunities were ahead of us, therefore they decided to invest. MM has a unique value proposition in the global tyre industry, especially in the big tyre segments like Agriculture and OTR. We are driven by a continuous Customers focus: each new feature is designed to support Customer’s growth and performance, oriented to best efficiency and quality.

How does Marangoni Machinery see the tyre industry evolving in the coming decade?
Technology innovations and developing end-user requirements are driving the off-the-road tyres market into unexplored territory, presenting fresh challenges to manufactures and suppliers. The global market for off-the-road (OTR) tyres is estimated to significantly grow in the next years.

Technological advancements and market changes in the OTR tyre industry are presenting several challenges to manufacturers and suppliers. From an end user’s perspective, the imperative is to continue to drive efficiency and productivity, even as equipment gets larger and places additional stress and performance demands on the tyre.

Over the next five years, the industry is poised to enter a transformative era and we in MM believe to be perfectly positioned and prepared to play a leading role in this evolving context, thanks to our creativity, flexibility and engineering innovation capabilities.

What is your added strength in R&D and also in business development?

MM R&D is oriented to a new Customer’s experience approach. The new machines are tailor designed according to Customer’s needs and requirements in order to achieve the best quality output, and at the same time best reliability, safety and productivity.

detail of OTR 

As customer demand and technology developments change, what challenges do you foresee in providing tyre making machinery?

Main challenges are about time to market and installed base refurbishment: nowadays Customers are looking for renewal plans to get new machines within short lead times, plus new equipment oriented to increase productivity for premium products as well, so our challenge is to be ready for both business needs by serving Customers on reduced lead-time and on increased quality output.

What new products do you plan to offer?

MM is mainly oriented to “turn-key systems”: from complete Tyre Building Machines up to all comprehensive “Production Site” composed by multiple production units with software supervision platform to get an integrated and efficient management manufacturing system architectures. About new products MM is offering new tyre building core technologies (drums, toolings and robotics) to enhance the tyre productivity and quality by proprietary patents and proven solutions, mostly oriented to Agro and OTR industry areas (Stage-1, Stage-2 and Unistage solutions with Strip-Winding embedded architectures).

Any move to widen your network of sales and after-sales services?

Drums building and test stands

We are definitely strengthening our Sales and After Sales Organisation in order to better satisfy our growing Customer Base. We are also planning to internationalize our After Sales Services to be closer to our Customers’ production facilities and serve them better and quicker.

Are there any new areas in tyre industry that Marangoni Machinery plans to cover?
As said above, our company is characterised by our strong and distinctive engineering capabilities. Those capabilities allow us to tackle disparate challenges and solve them in a creative, effective and efficient way. Our deep knowledge of the Tyre Industry together with our distinctive capabilities, open for us unexploited opportunities that we plan to explore in the next years.

What other new elements have been included in the new entity?
We are in the process of transforming a family owned business into a structured and managerial modern company where M&A opportunities will be also explored.

What is your take on the general economic slowdown, particularly in the Asian markets?
Frankly speaking, till now, we are not experiencing any slowdown in our business leads, especially in Asia. In our Agriculture and OTR segments in Asia we experience a significant growth led by China and India, supported by all end-use sectors; much of the gain in radialisation is seen in this region; mechanisation of agriculture is definitely a major growth driver. We need to carefully consider the significant threat to global economic growth amid coronavirus outbreak

Do you see the new regulations in import/export in some markets impacting your business?

Not yet, potentially yes, even if our solutions are not so easily replaceable and customers loyalty is very high.


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    Bridgestone Launches Mobile Vehicle Repair Related Service

    Bridgestone Launches Mobile Vehicle Repair Related Service

    Bridgestone Americas announced the launch of Firestone Direct mobile vehicle service for car owners and fleet operators. Firestone Direct brings Bridgestone’s automotive services directly to vehicle owners’ homes or workplaces to offer maximum convenience with safe, contact-free service.

    This service uses specially equipped vans operated by certified technicians to perform a wide range of maintenance services, including fluid and filter changes, tire repair and replacement, battery check and replacement, and more. 

    Through 2021, Firestone Direct will continue to grow into additional markets across the southeastern U.S., with plans to expand nationwide by 2023. The new service launched first in Nashville and Atlanta and expanded into Orlando and Tampa in March.

    Angie Oleson, director of Firestone Direct, said, “Customers are increasingly turning to online shopping and at-home services for convenience and safety, and Firestone Direct is at the forefront of this movement for at-home car care. By bringing trusted vehicle care featuring the latest automotive technologies directly to the customer, Firestone Direct can leverage the expertise of our trained technicians with the ease of online booking and at-home service for maximum convenience.” (TT)


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      Ev Trend Dominates Tyre Development

      Ev Trend Dominates Tyre Development

      The global electric vehicle (EV) market has taken a tremendous leap forward, with new registrations reaching record market shares in nearly all countries. For the tyre development landscape, the accelerating growth of the EV market means a pervasive transformation.

      Boosting circular economy

      At Black Donuts, the impact of the EV trend can be seen everywhere, from the tyre designers’ desks to the new practices of tyre testing. Beyond meeting new demands of the EV sector, the procedures and practices are tuned to serve the company’s strategic goal: to spearhead the industry’s shift towards a circular economy.

      Black Donuts launched the first EV tyre development projects with its tyre manufacturer customers in 2018. The internal research on EV tyres was initiated even before, at the time of the first EVs entering the market. “The first research project addressed the primary technological challenges: rolling resistance and noise,” says lkka Lehtoranta, Head of Tire and Material Development at Black Donuts.

      In tyre design, it is essential to focus on specific aspects to ensure optimal performance for electric cars. Compared to combustion cars, tyres for Evs must carry a heavier load withstand high instant torque – and be efficient and quiet. 

      Lately, the focus on tyre technology has shifted towards more comprehensive sustainability. Bio-based materials and compounds are opening new possibilities, and the rapid growth of the EV market accelerates the pace of development. ”The EV trend has highlighted the sustainability of tyres. The demand for bio-based materials and tyre recyclability has significantly increased,” says Jarkko Mällinen, Technology Development Manager of Black Donuts.

      In cooperation with its partners, Black Donuts is investigating new possibilities to replace fossil-fuel-based raw materials with bio-based or renewable materials in all products, including studded tyres. The company is currently testing the use of bio-based plastics in stud bodies.

      Also, end-of-life tyres are a hot topic in the industry, and Black Donuts is researching how the waste tyres can be recirculated and recycled back into the process. Even the tyre development process is undergoing a renaissance. New design tools for faster tyre development are being introduced, emphasising the key features of sustainable, future proof tyres.

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        • by 0
        • June 20, 2020

        European PCLT (passenger car and light truck) tyre manufacturing capacity has risen over the past decade to meet increased demand, but there has been a major shift from plants in Western Europe, towards Central Europe and Russia. The move eastwards reflects substantial differences in operating costs between the two regions, specifically in terms of labour costs. Hourly labour rates in Central and Eastern Europe can typically be half to one quarter of those in the highest cost Western European countries. In particular this significant differential has resulted in the transfer of production of lower priced non-premium tyres to larger plants in Central and Eastern Europe. Numerous PCLT plant closures and downsizings in Western Europe have either been announced or enacted during the past 18 months.

        In 2019 Cooper Tires ended PCLT tyre production at its small plant in the UK, and Michelin recently closed the PCLT tyre plant in Dundee that manufactured tier-1 brand tyres in lower rim-diameters (≤16”), a shrinking segment of the European market. These closures leave just the two PCLT tyre facilities operating in the country: the Pirelli plants that focus on low volume but high-margin premium tyres.

        In Germany, Michelin has announced plans to close its Bamburg plant that also focused on lower-rim -diameter tyres, whilst Goodyear is restructuring operations at its PCLT tyre facilities located in Fulda and Hanau. Total capacity there will fall, but there will be an increase in production of premium tyres.

        Pirelli has recently ceased production of car tyres at its Bollate plant in Italy, its only facility in Western or Central Europe that was manufacturing non-premium car tyres. Apollo Tyres plans to downsize PCLT capacity at its plant in the high-cost Netherlands, focusing the facility on high value tyres with short production runs. Management had stated that the company lost money on 70% of the PCLT tyres that it sold from the facility.

        Despite these closures in Western Europe, expansion to the east is expected to result in the net addition of 30 million units of PCLT tyre capacity across Europe* by 2026. New plants that have been recently opened, or are currently under construction, are located in either central and eastern Europe or Russia. In 2017, Apollo Tyres opened a greenfield plant in Hungary, with first-phase capacity increasing to 5.5 million PCLT tyres and almost 0.7 million TBR tyres. Supply from the facility has substituted imports from India and now permits the planned downsizing and specialisation of production in the Netherlands.

        In 2018, Hankook announced plans to add production of TBR tyres at its plant in Hungary, however this expansion was put on hold in late 2019. In phases, the company has already expanded PCLT tyre capacity until it is now one of the largest such facilities in the world. Meanwhile, Nexen has begun the ramp-up of capacity at its new plant in the Czech Republic; this will have added substantially to the country’s capacity by 2023.

        In addition to further investments across Central and Eastern Europe by Continental Tire, Bridgestone and Pirelli, an expansion of premium tyre capacity in Slovenia has also been announced by Goodyear.

        In mid-2019 Toyo Tire announced its intention to build a new tyre plant in Serbia, consolidating the country’s position as the leading location for new PCLT tyre manufacturing capacity in Europe. This follows Linglong’s decision to build its new European plant in the country and Cooper Tire’s plan to double the size of its facility. Based on analysis by Astutus Research of all announced capacity actions (plant opening and expansion net of closures and downsizing), Serbia will account for over 40% of planned capacity additions between 2019 and 2026.

        Toyo expects to invest €390 million in its new facility that will have a capacity of 5 million units. It intends to start production in early 2022 and reach full capacity the following summer. Linglong’s facility will have a capacity of 12 million PCLT tyres, alongside truck and radial agricultural tyres, built in three phases and representing a total investment of over €800 million.

        Serbia as new hub

        Although there is demand for both replacement and original equipment PCLT tyres in Serbia, the domestic market is amongst the smallest in Europe and production will be export focused. The country has already emerged as a key source of budget tyres to the European Union and to Russia, predominantly from Tigar Tyre, Michelin’s low-cost tyre subsidiary, that has significantly increased capacity and production in the past decade.

        Geographically, Serbia is well located to supply the major markets of the EU and Russia, and benefits from free trade agreements with both. Labour costs in the country are significantly lower than in the Czech Republic or Hungary, and labour availability is good, with a higher rate of unemployment.


        At present Toyo imports tyres to Europe from its facilities in Japan and Malaysia; Linglong utilises its PCLT tyre plants in China and Thailand. Both companies aim to develop their presence in Europe, and local production should help them in this quest, particularly in the original equipment segment where the significantly shorter lead times will improve the competitiveness of their offer. Similarly, the opportunity to increase their share of the OE business was one of the motivations for Nexen and Apollo to replace imports to open a plant in the region.

        Whilst the influence of the Covid-19 virus may slow the pace of some planned investment in central and eastern Europe, it has already accelerated the pace of closures in the west. Furthermore, we expect that it will result in further plant closures there, as the decline in European tyre demand dramatically reduces plant utilisation rates.

        *Europe refers to Western, Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia and CIS, but excludes Turkey which we include in the Middle East & Africa region.

        For capacity data: ‘Western Europe’ includes plants in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the UK, Portugal, the Netherlands, Finland and Luxembourg. ‘Central Europe’ refers to Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. ‘Russia and CIS’ refers to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan.

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          Time to get back to the basics

          Time to get back to the basics

          The WHO has said that the outbreak is now officially a Pandemic. People/ companies/ organisations are still coming to grips on how to address the situation. Government heads of various countries are trying to curb the situation by restricting entries of people who are affected by countries that are affected the most. Thus, airlines would have only diplomats and other certain levels of people allowed to fly.  Many airlines have suspended a good number of their flights.  Many companies will be looking to take a hair cut on what they take back with them, just to see that business can be sustained during the trying situations. 

          The virus has led various markets to crash, courier services have been curtailed in certain countries. All types of cancellations, be it sport, expositions or business, have affected the business world over. The transaction value in the losses may be difficult to gauge currently, however, it could be in the millions. Contracts would have to be reworked, and companies may have to come with new strategies. 

          However, in every situation, there would be also a business opportunity, if you work your strategy right. The sale of masks, gloves, hand sanitisers, medical devices would be able to generate good business. Though it is seen that the outbreak is from China, you also got to give to them as to how they are trying to contain the situation by building hospital/s within 10 days. In other countries, this would easily have taken a much longer time period. 

          It is a given that the business scenario is not going to be the best for most of the companies; Therefore, companies may have to think and reevaluate the way they are currently running their company. Companies will look to get leaner in every possible way. Cut down on unwanted expenses. Many companies have started asking their employees to work from home. Some may look to have lesser number of people and look to automate some of the work, especially in the factories.  Commercial properties being an expensive asset to maintain, some companies may look to perhaps go on rented co working spaces. Use less of one time use items like plastic and use more renewable/ reusable substitutes. Use of more environment friendly methods going forward will be the mantra. 

          This hit on our social system in a way will make us pause, think and have better suggestions as to how to look after ourselves and our environment at large.

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